In accordance with the Statute of Klaipėda University, the activities of the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology are guided by the Governing Body and Director of the Institute.

In accordance with the Statute of Klaipėda University, the activities of the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology are guided by the Governing Body and Director of the Institute.
By 11 June 2018 Order no. P-691 of the Rector of Klaipėda University Dr Vasilijus Safronovas was appointed Director of the Institute for a term of five years.
The Governing Body of the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology is a self-governing academic authority in charge of the coordination of the BRIAI activities jointly with the Director of the Institute. The Governing Body decides on the major issues of the Institute’s activities. Academic staff and students of the Institute elect members of the Governing Body for the five-year term in the procedure set forth in the Regulations for Elections of the Institute Governing Bodies approved by the Senate of Klaipėda University.
The Governing Body of the BRIAI was formed in December 2020 in accordance with the 1 October 2020 Resolution of the Senate of Klaipėda University (nine members):
Doc Dr Silva Pocytė, Chairman of the Governing Body
Prof Dr Vygantas Vareikis, Deputy Chairman
Dr Miglė Urbonaitė-Ubė, Secretary
Dr Vytautas Jokubauskas
Dr Tomas Rimkus
Dr Vasilijus Safronovas
Dr Hektoras Vitkus
Mgr Dainius Elertas, students representative
Renata Rachmanovaitė, students representative
List of the Governing Body members during the 3rd term of office (January 2016-December 2020):
Doc Dr Gintautas Zabiela, Chairman of the Governing Body
Prof Dr Vygantas Vareikis, Deputy Chairman
Doc Dr Audronė Bliujienė, Secretary
Dr Vytautas Jokubauskas (replaced Doc Dr Silva Pocytė in 2018)
Dr Rimantas Miknys
Dr Vasilijus Safronovas
Prof habil. Dr Vladas Žulkus
Mgr Milda Kontrimė, students representative (replaced Tomas Rimkus in 2019, who replaced Gvidas Slah in 2018)
Samanta Zuberniūtė, students representative (replaced Eglė Budrytė in 2019)
The 3rd term Governing Body of BRIAI was formed in December 2015 in accordance with the 22 October 2015 Resolution of the Senate of Klaipėda University.
List of the Governing Body members during the 2nd term of office (February-December 2015):
Doc Dr Gintautas Zabiela, Chairman of the Governing Body
Dr Vytautas Jokubauskas, Deputy Chairman
Doc Dr Audronė Bliujienė, Secretary
Dr Rimantas Miknys
Doc Dr Silva Pocytė
Doc Dr Vacys Vaivada
Prof habil. Dr Vladas Žulkus
Mgr Gvidas Slah, students representative
Mgr Justas Stončius, students representative
The 2nd term Governing Body of BRIAI was formed in February 2015 in accordance with the 22 January 2015 Resolution of the previous Governing Body of BRIAI.
List of the Governing Body members during the 1st term of office (February 2010 – February 2015):
Prof habil. Dr Vladas Žulkus, Chairman of the Governing Body
Prof Dr Rimantas Sliužinskas, Deputy Chairman
Doc Dr Nijole Strakauskaitė, Secretary
Doc Dr Audronė Bliujienė
Prof habil. Dr Algirdas Girininkas
Doc Dr Silva Pocytė
PD Dr Joachim Tauber
Dr Vasilijus Safronovas, students representative
Vita Bukantaitė, students representative
The 1st term Governing Body of BRIAI in February 2010 in accordance with the 25 September 2009 Resolution No. 11-7 of the Senate of Klaipeda University.
In accordance with the Statute of Klaipėda University the Governing Body of the Institute performs the following functions:
1) deliberates and approves the development plan for the Institute;
2) deliberates and approves internal regulations of the Institute in compliance with the Statute of the University;
3) deliberates and approves annual income and expenditure estimate allocated to the Institute;
4) deliberates on research programs and submits for approval of the Senate;
5) deliberates on curricula and submits for approval of the Senate;
6) evaluates the quality of the research conducted in the Institute;
7) elects chairman and vice-chairman of the Governing Body of the Institute;
8) considers candidatures for the position of the Institute’s director from among researchers or acclaimed artists, and gives recommendations to Rector;
9) determines the number of deputy directors;
10) considers candidatures for the position of heads of subdivisions and recommends them to Rector;
11) makes proposals to the Rector on the organization, establishment, discontinuance or reorganization of laboratories and other subdivisions;
12) forms committees for the purpose of deliberation and decision-making regarding major issues of the Institute’s activities;
13) hears and approves the annual report on research activities of the Institute produced by the director. In the event of disapproval, the Governing Body of the Institute proposes a motion for the resignation of the director to the Rector and the Senate;
14) hears and approves annual reports on activities submitted by the heads of subdivisions. In the event of disapproval of an annual report, the Governing Body of the Institute proposes a motion for the resignation of the head of a subdivision to the Rector;
15) proposes a motion to the Senate on the award of the titles of associate professor, professor, an honorary doctorate of the University and other degrees with regard to an individual’s achievements in the area of science, research, arts and teaching and/or merits to the society;
16) deliberates and decides on other issues relevant to the activities of the Institute.
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